Dear Homeowners; The Most Important Remodel Tip Ever –
Do your homework, take the time to find the components your contractor will need to improve your home. Never underestimate the time it will take to gather all the special orders that make up a great remodel.
Your project will only be as good as the special order materials and fixtures used to build it.
Only the owner [ you ] can choose these items with some guidance from the contractor and or Designer.
Get a list or outline from your contractor of the special items needed to buildout your project, start locating the fixtures ASAP as it may take more time to acquire what you desire.
Use the internet and several retail outlets to find your fixtures and special materials. Do try not to get stressed hunting for the right materials, it takes time and effort. Check with several retailers until you find a good one willing to help you find what you need, they are out there.
Local Help ;
Twenty Five Company
Rafeal Lumber
Ceramic Tile Design
Golden State Lumber
Home Depot
David Mason Marin Restorations 1-415-297-1489 #715338